Abortion/Homicide - Fuzzy Logic

Oakdale MN is the city I grew up in. Yesterday a news story broke about a 17 year old girl who attended the same high school as did I. She apparently is suspected of giving birth to a baby and then dumping that child in the trash can. Authorities arrested her and the county attorney is trying to determine if they will try to charge this woman as an adult.

As horrible as this story is it makes me wonder what kind of stupid signals we as society send to young people.

This same girl could have easily walked into planned parenthood and had an abortion.
In fact she could have had a late term abortion also known as partial birth abortion and she would be facing no crime.
How is it that we as a society can have this sort of double talk. If you were at Planned Parenthood a few minutes before giving birth we could kill this child for you and we'd call it "choice".
If your at home by yourself it's homicide and you will now face prison time.
So logic would tell me that something stupid is going on here.
If a pregnant mother is assulted and the child is killed it's a homicide.
If the mom has the child killed by a vacuum procedure at a clinic it's a choice.
The logic here makes no sense. Either it's wrong in any circumstance, or it's right in any circumstance.
It's right only if it's choice!
The logic alone should make us question the people who push agendas of choice. Pray that God would open their eyes and their hearts to see how decieved they are. Pray that the church opens it doors, gets in the mess and takes these kids so the mother doesn't resort to either of the horrible atrocities.

If you'd like to know more about making abortion unthinkable or advocacy groups i've set up two links.
For factual information about abortion Abort73.com & for equipping yourself more to talk logically about abortion with others Stand to Reason. I have found both sites very helpful.


1 comment:

Carla said...

Hi Seth,
Pat and I had this very same discussion this morning. Sick and sad that a woman can legally kill her child as a choice but 5 inches down the birth canal and it's murder. We have devalued life at all of it's stages. A wanted baby born at 21 weeks will have a team of doctors fighting to save her, while down the street the unwanted die. Praying for an end to this holocaust!